Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pie or Die!!!

So i entered in the SF Food Wars Pie or Die Contest a few weeks ago and just found out that I will be one of twenty people competing - holy crap, I am SO EXCITED!! 

This news came as a bit of a shock, after an email I received last week telling me I had not been chosen.  But, alas, the vegan baking gods have been watching over me, because apparently someone dropped out of the competition, and I was next in line to compete!!

As far as I know, I am the only competitor making a vegan pie -

A vegan lemon cream and blueberry swirl pie... HOLLA!!!

Needless to say, I'm a little nervous because a) I don't make a lot of pie - in fact i've never made my own crust - which means I need to seriously step it up in the baking department for the next 2 weeks and b) if I am the only vegan baker, talk about pressure!!  This pie needs to be fucking amazing!!

Whatever, I'm excited and I will have the most supportive person I know right by my side - my own sweetie pie, Stephen.

Wish me luck!!  

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good to Know...

While I try to buy organic and local as much as possible, I am also a struggling college graduate living in one of the most expensive cities in the country. In other words, sometimes I buy conventional produce because it's cheaper - Gasp!!

And while I am very lucky to have a boyfriend who works at Whole Foods Market, where just about all of their procuce is organic, sometimes walking to the corner store to buy a few groceries is not only easier, it's cheaper...

So, if you must buy conventional produce, like I occasionally do, try to take a few tips from this Shopper's Guide and avoid The Dirty Dozen!!

Happy Shopping!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Daily Gourmet

I just discovered this really great webiste, The Daily Gourmet. I know, you're thinking "really?? ANOTHER deal site", but this one is different - It's just for food!!!!

And it's totally vegan-friendly! When you sign up, you can pick and choose which type of products you are interested in - including 'vegan' 'vegetarian' 'gluten-free' and a bunch of other options!  How great is that?!?

I've already become so obsessed with this site, that I signed up to be an affiliate.

So, do me a favor and seriously check out this site NOW!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

My new goal... to SHINE!

Ok, ok, ok, i know it's been about two months since my last post - in other words, I'm kind of sucking right now at being a blogger. But, in my defense, I have a had a very busy last few months. We've had visitors on multiple occasions, weekend events, and I started a new job!

To be completely honest, I haven't even really thought about blogging recently. That is, until I logged onto facebook this morning and saw that a friend had posted a link to her blog - naturally, I checked it out.  She had posted about this project she recently discovered called The Shine Project. Seriously, if you haven't heard of this blog yet, go check it out NOW!

It's basically about this girl named Ashley who decided she wanted to start a project to help people SHINE. Every week, she posts a challenge and encourages her followers to step out of their comfort zone, partake in the challenge, and then blog about it. I just spent the last two hours at work browsing her website, and let me tell you... I LOVE IT! She is so inspiring and passionate about what she is doing. So, I have decided to join the cause and let myself SHINE! Stay tuned for more on The Shine Project.

Oh, and about my last post on baking - I have every intention to still stick with those goals. If anything, Ashley and her Shine Project have inspired me to be even more passionate about my bakery.

I'm pretty excited about all of this - I hope you are too!